, A place for Gamers, Clans, and a Clan Match?

Clan Match Heaven is a website built for gaming clans, video game news, reviews, and gamer profiles. If you are in a clan (a gaming team), and you like the idea of having your clan scheduled in a match (or matches) every week, GameTaste offers the G-Tass Scheduling System. You simply pick the game, game type, day, and time you want to play, and your clan will be scheduled in a clan match against an opposing clan (providing another clan has signed up in that same slot). GameTaste also offers gamers and their teams some sick features which can be taken advantage of once you join the site. For clan purposes, each team has their own forum where you may discuss strategies and even post embeded videos for your clan to study. There is also Instant Messaging and Chat to put you directly in touch with your clan members or with the opposing clan members. Outside of clan gaming, GameTaste has some pretty sick profile features for all gamers. Once you trick out your profile, you will have your own music player, pics, bio, and win loss record all on one page. Plus you have the option to battle other GameTaste members 1v1 in any game you and they have. GameTaste rules for clan matches are also very open compared to sites like GameBattles. The Clan match rules on GameTaste are very simple for Black Ops: The best out of 5 maps and no nood tubes or china lakes. that’s it. Everything else goes. That’s right! Killstreaks: YES! Rockets: YES! So refreshing to play the game as it is intended. There are several other benefits gamers have once they join GameTaste, including the relationships they have with developers (exclusive interviews with Epic Games Cliff Blesczynski, etc.), which give thier members an inside look at the present and upcoming games. GameTaste is even planning a weekly show called “GameTaste” which will give gamers a taste of what is to come in the gaming world. Showcasing games months and years before their release (please some Gears of War 3!)
Clan Match heaven

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:Haha! I'am the first! Yeh~

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