2013 Holiday Games Worth Getting

christmas-treegif22013 has been a good year for video games for the most part, and we are here to guide you in a nice direction in picking up the best of the bunches. Lets start with our next gen consoles.

For the PS4 we highly recommend Battlefield 4 – Shooter – $60, Killzone Shadow Fall – Shooter – $60, Assassins Creed Black Flag – Action Adventure – $60,  Trine 2 – Platformer (PSN Store) – $20, and Flower – Relaxation – (PSN Store) $7. BF4 & Trine 2 are our favorites. Especially Trine 2 due to its 3D compatibility and it is just 100% awesome!

For the Xbox One we highly recommend Battlefield 4 – Shooter – $60 (BF4 is the only true next gen title). And if you are a big Call of Duty fan, COD Ghost – Shooter – $60 – This game was mastered on the Xbox One and offers dedicated servers, but we are not happy with Ghost at all. The maps are too big, the spawn points are horrible, and they took away hardcore search and destroy, a game mode we have loved since COD4.

Now to the current gen:

For the Xbox 360 (Our beloved favorite console!) we highly recommend FarCry 3 – Shooter – $30, Rayman Legends – Platformer – $60, Grid 2 – Racing – $60, Black Ops II – Shooter – $40, Assassins Creed Black Flag – Action Adventure – $60, and Grand Theft Auto 5 – Open World – $60. For multi-player Black Ops 2 is incredible, but FarCry 3 is by far our favorite for the single player campaign.

For the PS3 the list is the same as for the Xbox 360, only add The Last of Us – Action Adventure Shooter – $60. This game is one of the best on any platform and should be played by every true gamer!

For the WiiU we recommend New Super Mario Bros U and New Luigi Bros U – Platformers – $50 (and that’s only if your kids are under 10 years old), and Rayman Legends – Platformer – $60.  The WiiU has been a joke for more than a year now and we don’t see it outlasting or out performing any other consoles. Nintendo has lost it’s grip on reality, but we can hope for a comeback….hopefully…..one day.

If we didn’t list a game, it doesn’t mean it’s bad, it simply means we thought the games we listed are better. We hope this is helpful and we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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